About Ohrid and Struga region

Ohrid and Struga region is popular tourist destination situated in the south-western part of North Macedonia. In 1980, Ohrid region was declared UNESCO World Heritage Site due to its priceless cultural and historical riches.


HOTAM joined the project FindMe

The media, hotels, restaurants, banks, taxi-carriers, city traffic, from today they can all be involved in action to find missing persons, after the “Find me”

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Состанок за вработување на странски лица

Од работниот состанок на членовите на ХОТАМ и Г-дин Арун Цохан од Индија одржан на ден 06.12.2023 година се издвојуваат следните заклучоци и информации: Г-дин

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Сезонски вработувања преку пилот мерката MDWA

Сезонски вработувања преку пилот мерката MDWA Пилот мерката „Да ја направиме пријавената работа привлечна за работодавачите и работниците“ – MDWA освен на вработувањето на персонал

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Our members

Today, the choice of tourist accommodation to properly suit everyone’s taste and budget is very diverse.

From private accommodations and small bed and breakfasts to the high end of the market with many hotels, the Ohrid and Struga region are rich in various choices that will suit all your needs.

With many to choose from, the hotels in Ohrid and Struga region are popular amongst tourists travelling with their families, friends, adventure seekers, or just people looking for a good relaxation and a holiday well-spent.

The hotels on our list have star-ratings of 3, 4 and 5 stars and offer rooms and meals, many amenities and of course, rooms with great lake and mountain views.

Explore more on the interactive map.